Avanza Sostenible S.a.c

  • Diterbitkan : 04 Nov 2022

Avanza Sostenible S.a.c. Diarréia aguda grave associada à Escherichia coli enteropatogênica clássica (EPEC: características clínicas e perdas fecais em lactentes hospitalizados Severe acute diarrhea associated to classic enteropathogenic by clinical features and fecal losses in hospitalized infants Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden) C.A.G. The most interesting feature of this important project is the excavation method adopted for its construction: the tunnel crosses a clay layer, which at certain places is sufficiently fluid to allow a pneumatic shield to be forced through it leaving hardly any debris behind.

WhatsApp® como Recurso para a Educação em Saúde: Contextualizando Teoria e Prática em um Novo Cenário de Ensino-Aprendizagem Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden) Danilo Borges Paulino Full Text Available RESUMO Este relato busca compartilhar uma experiência bem-sucedida do uso do aplicativo WhatsApp® como recurso para a educação médica, destacando o potencial pedagógico e formativo das redes sociais, ainda não aproveitado plenamente pelas universidades. Esta ponencia no se encamina a sumar una nueva revisión crítica del texto de Clastres, ya excesivamente analizado y puesto en cuestión, sino a una revisión de las intervenciones externas a la sociedad guaraní, considerando muy especialmente las que se han verificado en Misiones (Argentina desde 1960 a la actualidad.The interpretation proposed by P. Clastres in his very known article "Interchange and power: philosophy of the indigenous headquarters "(In the society against the State, about the selection of the indigenous leaderships in South America - specially in the South America Low lands - it tried to give account of a dynamic and fluid conception of headquarters, whose foundation responded to modalities of the interchange and redistribution. Postmodernity and the university Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden) Peter Scott 2012-09-01 Full Text Available The utility of post-modernism as an interpretative framework for understanding the development of contemporary higher education systems is sharply contested.

Bali has many sources of river water streams or irrigation channels that have relatively small flow discharge at low head, thus Hydropower can provide practical solutions to energy conservation and environmental issues. Ogilvie's syndrome (acute colonic pseudo-obstruction): review of the literature and report of 6 additional cases; Sindrome di Ogilvie (pseudo-ostruzione della letteratura acuta del colon): revisione della letteratura e descrizione di 6 nuovi casi Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB) Grassi, Roberto; Cappabianca, Salvatore; Porto, Annamaria; Montemarano, Emilio; De Rosa, Roberto [Napoli Univ., Napoli (Italy).

Conclusioni: Il reperto clinico pi� caratteristico della sindrome di Ogilvie � la distensione addominale, che generalmente insorge all'improvviso, ha un'andamento progressivo, e raggiunge gradi elevati.