First Community Bank Xenia Flora

First Community Bank Xenia Flora. She made her television debut as a contestant on Deddy Corbuzier's magic competition show The Next Mentalist, which premiered on 17 November 2013 and was broadcast on Trans 7. She would go on to become the show's runner-up, successfully attracting the attention of the Indonesian public with her unique appearance. In 2017, Riana joined the second season of Asia's Got Talent where she was declared the winner after beating the Filipino hip-hop dance group DM-X Comvaleñoz based on the audience votes in the grand final. [8] There have been over 70 million views on Facebook and YouTube of her magic performances onstage. [10] She was also the second Indonesian to enter America's Got Talent live shows after Demian Aditya. [11] On 31 August 2019, Riana took to the Britain's Got Talent: The Champions stage but was eliminated in the first round.
On 21 August 2018, during the America's Got Talent quarterfinals live show, Riana's act was abruptly cut to black and a commercial break before the end of her performance, which confused many viewers about what had just happened and quickly provoked a huge question on social media, but according to a set of production notes which have been posted on Twitter, the dramatic "cut-to-black" moment was actually part of the plan all along. Riana's gimmick is a reference to Sadako in the Japanese horror classic The Ring, with a similarity to her long hair falling in front of her face, while her doll calls to mind Annabelle from The Conjuring film.
Riana has a distinctive appearance, characterized by head and hand twitching movement, always stands with one of her legs bent and a flat facial expression. Riana always appears with long and loose hair that covers most of her face.
Gadis Arivia

Gadis Arivia (born 8 September 1964) is an Indonesian feminist philosopher, lecturer, scholar, and activist. She began teaching at the University of Indonesia in 1991, and was responsible for the inaugural Feminist Paradigms course before she enrolled at EHESS the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in 1992. Noting the difficulty of finding feminist materials in Indonesia and hoping to promote democratization efforts and protect minority rights, she began work, supported by Ida Dhanny, Asikin Arif, and Toeti Heraty, to establish the country's first feminist journal. She founded the Jurnal Perempuan Foundation [id] in 1995, and the inaugural Jurnal Perempuan [id] (Women's Journal) was published the following year; Krishna Sen of the University of Western Australia describes it as "Indonesia’s first journal of feminist theory". During the Asian Financial Crisis, Arivia – recognized as one of Jakarta's leading feminist scholars – protested against the government using the rising price of milk as a camouflage. On 23 February 1998, she joined some twenty other women at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout to protest high prices in a protest organized by Jurnal Perempuan and established Suara Ibu Peduli ("Voice of Caring Mothers"), an organization coordinated by Arivia.
The protesters prayed, sang, distributed flowers, and read a statement that called for greater women's participation in resolving the crisis. Arivia was arrested with two other women, the astronomer Karlina Leksono Supelli and the activist Wilasih Noviana.
This collection, published a year after the controversial Pornography and Pornoaction law was passed, has been read as a condemnation of the Indonesian state's continued power over women's bodies and sexuality. Arivia teaches contemporary philosophy and feminist theory at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Indonesia until 2017.
Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Celine pertama kali mendapat pengakuan internasional pada tahun 1980 dengan memenangkan Festival Musik Yamaha 1982 dan Kontes Lagu Eurovision 1988, di mana dia mewakili Swiss. Kemudian, pada tahun 1997 dalam penggaran film terlaris sepanjang masa Titanic, Celine mengisi Soundtrack "My Heart Will Go On" yang dikomposeri oleh James Horner.
[8][27] Musik selalu menjadi bagian dari keluarga (Dion diberi nama setelah lagu berjudul Céline, direkam oleh penyanyi asal Prancis Hugues Aufray dua tahun sebelum kelahirannya[28]). [30] Setelah itu, dia terus tampil dengan saudara-saudaranya di piano bar kecil milik orangtuanya yang sering disebut Le Vieux Baril. Pada usia 12 tahun, Dion berkolaborasi dengan ibu dan kakaknya Jacques untuk menulis lagu pertamanya, "Ce n'était qu'un rêve" ("Apakah Ini Hanya Mimpi"). [27] Kakaknya Michel Dondalinger Dion mengirim rekamannya ke manajer musik René Angélil, yang namanya dia temukan di belakang album Ginette Reno.
Pada tahun 1983, selain menjadi artis Kanada pertama yang menerima rekaman emas di Prancis untuk singel "D'amour ou d'amitié" ("Cinta atau Persahabatan"), Dion juga telah memenangkan beberapa Félix Award, termasuk "Performer Wanita Terbaik" dan "Penemuan Tahunan". Pada tahun 2007, Sony BMG mengumumkan bahwa total penjualan album Celine Dion telah mencapai lebih dari 200 juta keping di seluruh dunia.

[2] He also worked in the Indonesia Project at the Australian National University in the early 1970s as a research assistant in economics. Boediono was listed as one of the Wharton School's 125 Influential People and Ideas in 2007 and was dubbed "Indonesia's financial rudder".
Boediono was a Bank of Indonesia deputy governor in charge of fiscal monetary policy from 1997 to 1998 and served as State Minister of National Planning and Development from 1998 to October 1999. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appointed Boediono as Coordinating Minister for the Economy during his first cabinet reshuffle in 2005, replacing Aburizal Bakrie.
[7] After he was selected by Yudhoyono as a running mate in the 2009 presidential election, Boediono submitted his resignation from the central bank post. Boediono is also a professor of economics at Gadjah Mada University where he has taught various courses on macroeconomics and monetary policy since the early 1970s. 'The IMF support program in Indonesia: comparing its implementation under three presidents', Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies , 38 (3).
'Addressing the social impacts', speech delivered to the meeting on Development cooperation: responding to the Asian crisis , Sydney, 5 March. ), Indonesian economic development: Issues and analysis , Japanese International Cooperation Agency, Tokyo. As the vice president of Indonesia, Boediono is automatically bestowed the highest class of 6 out of 7 civilian Star Decorations (Indonesian: Tanda Kehormatan Bintang), namely:[12].

Wakhtigu wuxuu wax badan ahaa qodob ka mid ah diimaha, sayniska, taariikhda iyo filoosafi taasi oo si kala duwan loogu xusay dhamaantood. In kastoo qodobka ah "wakhti" uu ku fadhiyo micno aad u weyn oo saameyn ku leh qodobo badan oo kala duwan, waxaa wakhtiga inta ugu badan loo isticmaalaa qiyaasta, la socoshada iyo xisaabinta in mudo ah oo noqon karta wax la soo dhaafay, mid hada la joogo ama mid soo socda. Tusaale ahaa, cilmiga Fisikiska marka la baarayo xawaaraha sheey ku socdo waxaa muhiim u ah wakhtiga.
Qeeybo badan ayaa loo kala saaraa wakhtiga taas oo ku xidhan hadba meesha la joogo. Qarni waa boqol (100) sanno oo wakhtiga dunidan aan ku nool nahay ah.
Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Acara berakhir pada 11 Januari 2019, menyelesaikan 169 episode, dan digantikan oleh serial Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji. Acara ini berbasis di Bhopal, sebuah kota yang memiliki perpaduan antara westernisasi dan tradisi. Ibunya Madeeha (Rukhsar Rehman) hanya peduli dengan putri mereka menikah sementara Mariam berencana untuk menjadi seorang reporter. Suatu hari ketika membawa salah satu [Penumpang] ke Badnaam gali bertemu dengan orang asing (Fawad) dan terkejut melihat Foto ayahnya di tangannya.
Belakangan, ia tampaknya mencurigai fawad dan untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang ayahnya yang telah berubah menjadi teroris di Pakistan. Dalam proses ini dia juga mengetahui bahwa seluruh keluarganya yang diberitahu mati masih hidup dan rumahnya tidak terbakar, Mariam akan mencari tahu tentang ayahnya.
Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Namun tentu kabarnya mengenai Grace Ho mempunyai darah Jerman tentunya menuai kontroversi karena tidak mungkin jika ayahnya seorang Katolik dan juga menjadi Romo lalu beristri. Beberapa murid baru tertarik dan ikut latihan Ia memberi perkumpulan kungfu itu dengan nama "Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute". Pada awal tahun 1960-an, kung fu belum dikenal oleh masyarakat Amerika, tetapi Bruce Lee berusaha memperkenalkan kungfu dengan cara mendemonstrasikannya ke universitas.
Beberapa ide film yang diajukan oleh Bruce Lee kepada Warner Bros gagal untuk diwujudkan, antara lain Kung Fu dan The Silent Flute. Kung Fu gagal karena adanya konflik pemilihan peran, sementara The Silent Flute tidak mendapatkan lokasi pembuatan film yang cocok. Pada September 1971, Bruce pindah ke Hong Kong bersama keluarganya dan mulai pengambilan adegan untuk film kedua dengan Golden Harvest berjudul Fist of Fury atau disebut juga "Chinese Connection". Namun di tengah-tengah, Warner Bros mengunjungi Bruce Lee dan meminta ia agar bekerja sama dalam pembuatan film ini.